![VR Kanojo R1 Released - [ScrewThisNoise Mod] 1 0ba5f 340499 b0ec6e9d6f224bad858a2ba66ce16463mv2](https://i0.wp.com/freecosplay.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/0ba5f-340499_b0ec6e9d6f224bad858a2ba66ce16463mv2.png?fit=460%2C215&ssl=1)
This game doesn’t utilize the “normal” way Illusion stores configurations, as such the launcher requires a lot of rework to get working properly for this game. I will get back to that at a later time to allow for the normal uniform experience, but for now, hold shift while opening the game to reach resolution options, and all other options can be changed ingame.
You do not need to have VR to play, but it plays WAY better with VR than mice.
- Applied Base game (Steam version, includes support for English, Japanese and Chinese. Editable in the ingame settings)
- Applied R18 patch (Official)
- Applied compression to base game files
- Added BepInEx v5.4.5
- Added BepInEx.ConfigurationManager v16.1
- Added BepInEx.MessageCenter v1.1.1
- Added BepInEx.MuteInBackground v1.1
- Added XUnity.AutoTranslator v4.13.0
- Added 0xd4d’s dnSpy 6.1.5 (**)
- Added enimaroah’s SB3U v21.0.3 (**)
- Added Horse’s ScriptLoader v1.2.4
- Added Keelhauled’s GraphicsSettings v1.2.1
- Added Marco’s FPS Counter v3.1
- Added Marco’s VRK_PlayWithoutVR v1.0
- Added Marco’s VRK_UncensorLoader v1.0
1. Extract to desired location.
2. Install to desired location.
3. Run the exe file from your installed desired location.
– Keyboard control:
Arrow Up/Down/Lefr/Right
Number pad 2/4/6/8
. / \ (to tilt left right or reset tilt)
= ] (to zoom)
shift key ctrl key (combined with other keys as speed modifier)
Number pad + – (as speed tuner)
Mouse control:
Hold left button to drag camera
Hold right button to tweak camera
Gameplay: https://youtu.be/ZcdHATCZepk
- Play game with Locale Emulator.
How to download when link drive limited: https://youtu.be/Kr331hdGK40