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Alien Quest: Eve

Updated On2020-05-20
Developer, Publisher  GRIMHELMGrimhelm is creating Hentai Games | Patreon
Size247 mb
Language English

Alien Quest: EVE is a side-scrolling platform game.
It’s inspired by Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion but also has RPG status system. When your character levels up, you get the Stat Points that be used to power up your character like Diablo.

Password: asdasfd.net

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1. Extract to desired location.
2. Install to desired location.
3. Run the exe file from your installed desired location.

  • Cheat Mod:

    + Extract the file “Assembly-CSharp.dll” Replace the existing file in: “Alien_Quest_v101\AlienQuest-EVE_Data\Managed”

    Enjoy the cheats

    Cheat Hotkeys:

    F2: Set HP & MaxHP to 9999

    F3: Set MP & MaxMP to 9999

    F4: Set stat points to 999

    F5: Unlock all abilities

    F6: Unlock all skills

    F7: Unlock all weapons

    F8: Add 1 of each bonus item

    F9: Unlock all cards

    F10: Set HP to 1

    F11: Unlock all teleports

    Backspace: Toggle clothes on/off

How to download when link drive limited: https://youtu.be/Kr331hdGK40